第五人格记录员柯根缔造者皮肤获取方法 具体介绍

时间:2022-03-31 17:52:57 小编:APP下载 来源:APP下载

Many small friends in the fifth personality gathers want to know what the acquisition method of the new skin recorder Kgen creater is.Next, Xiaobian brings you \"Fifth Personality\" recorder Kuban's skin acquisition method, and interested partners come to see it.

\"Fifth Personality\" recorder Kuman's skin acquisition method

1, the game of Kumgen, the gift package will be April 7, 2022Japanese shelf mall.

2, when the player can go to the mall to buy a package and get the skin.

Kuman limited time gift package content:

Coolen fashion \"recorder\" - founder

Kgenvi hanging \"record\"- Happiness]

[Role] Supervisor -\" Record Man \"

Note: The goods in the package can be purchased separately.
