金铲铲之战菜狗怎么获得 金铲铲之战蔬菜精灵获得方法

时间:2022-03-31 17:53:06 小编:APP下载 来源:APP下载

The battle of the gold shovel shovel is a mobile game game, and the player is also very much.On the domestic network, the vegetable dog is also a very famous shape as a stalk, and this is the image of vegetable wizard cabbage dog.In the event of the latest gold shovel shovel, the players can also get this cute cabbage dog in the battle of the Gold Shovel.

1, the vegetable wizard special trial: open the activity and complete the 20-day limited time trial task, improve the trial level, and you can obtain a reward for the corresponding level.

2, primary trial: 4,500 coupons, immediately receive vegetable wizard cabbage rewards, March 31 - April 7th, unlocked primary trials can enjoy 20% discount.

3, after the mysterious small hero is announced, after unlocking the primary trial, it can be based on the current level, upgrade trial, purchase a primary trial and complete all trial mission, or on April 7At the date of purchase, upgrade is upgraded to the full level, you can unlock a mysterious little hero.

Players who like vegetable dogs don't miss this * good opportunity.
