少女前线后勤支援收益表 少女前线合理支援推荐

时间:2022-04-18 17:52:55 小编:APP下载 来源:APP下载

Girl Frontline Logistics Support is the current concern, and the logistical support income * Daily is every player needs to learn, then how to rationalize?The following small series will bring you a reasonable support for the front line of the girl frontline logistics support.

First, take a look at the income statement for each battle:

So the logistics support those *Calculated, below the evening and day, * rational support recommendation:

Night: difference is the length of idle time

Recommended plan 1:

code: 3+ 12 + 19 + 20, Reception: 1150 1200 800 180

Recommended Scheme 2:

Code: 12 + 16 + 19 + 20, Revenue: 700 750 600 250

Daily: hourly

Scenario 1: 5 + 6 + 13 + 14, Yende 160 300 360 13.3 (Down grain and ammunition)

Scenario 2: 5 + 9 + 10 +13, gain 290 160 260 30 (biargon)

Scenario 3: 2 + 9 + 12 + 13, Revenue 210 200 200 73.3 (Partition)
